BTS With Oracle Cards That You Will LOVE

behind the scenes oracle decks Sep 11, 2023


Please update the April 2023 part to read like a recap and the CTA should be to get on the email list, buy an Oracle card deck or book a strategy call with you. 


Title: BTS With Oracle Cards That You Will LOVE


Greetings -


When I created the first Black Goddess Within Oracle deck, I did so from a place of reaction. I was angry at the violence directed at Black people and I wanted to fight for social justice.


I did not know that the Black Goddesses would introduce me to their cosmic wisdom, and invite me into their world of Black Beauty and Black Joy…


And that Joy would lead me to define Liberation in its own terms (as opposed to what it is not, as it is so often defined).


For me, Liberation is about Ancestral Restoration, Body Freedom, Belonging, Lineage, Legacy, and dancing in the Spiral that is life.


For my clients, this looks like

  1. Discovering their long-held dreams are manifestations of ancestral seeds planted long before their births
  2. Replacing shame by turning to their ancestral roots for guidance, healing and protection
  3. Finally trusting their intuition
  4. Unapologetically taking up space by being brave and being bold
  5. Finding that elusive missing piece and completing the puzzle of their authenticity

And all this transformation happens in community.


Because, as Audre Lorde said,


"Without community there is no liberation."


And that’s exactly why I created The Black Goddess: Liberated.


Joining forces with my fellow ritualists, culture bearers and storytellers, you will gain the tips and tools to unleash your unstoppable life!


We begin on April 10, 2023. There will be two wisdom-laden conversations released each day at 7am EST.

Click here to join for free!


You'll bathe in the knowledge and spiritual intelligence of these Mystics, Priestesses, and Creators, this could be your golden ticket to creating the liberated life you truly desire.

Can’t wait to get started!



Dr. G.

PS: You can sign up here.


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